Services » Shoulder Arthroscopy

Shoulder Arthroscopy Surgery in Kolkata

What is Shoulder Arthroscopy?

Arthroscopy is a procedure that orthopedic surgeons use to diagnose and treat problems of a bone joint.

During shoulder arthroscopy, a small camera is inserted into your shoulder called an arthroscope. The camera captures video on the affected area and guides surgery with miniature surgical instruments. The incisions (cuts) are very small. This results in minor risk and pain for patients.

When Shoulder Arthroscopy Is Recommended?

If you do not respond to nonsurgical treatment, The doctor may recommend shoulder arthroscopy. Injury and age-related wear and tear cause most shoulder problems. Shoulder arthroscopy may relieve pain and damage of the labrum, articular cartilage, rotator cuff tendons, and other soft tissues of the joint. Common arthroscopic procedures include Rotator cuff repair, Removal or repair of recurrent shoulder dislocation, labrum, ligaments, inflamed tissue, or loose cartilage.


After 2-3 hours of observation, you will be discharged in a day or two.

At Home

Recovery from arthroscopy is often faster and quick but may still take from weeks to months to completely recover. Ice can help relieve pain and swelling. Your doctor may prescribe pain killers if needed. A few days after surgery large bandages are removed and you can use simple Band-Aids.